Saturday, October 24, 2009


Through the lens of how our society views “success”, Kregg is viewed as a “failure”.

He never went to college.
He never worked in a job with business cards, titles, perks or promotions.
He never bought a house.
He never married.
He never had children.
He doesn’t have an insurance policy.
He doesn’t have a ROTH, IRA or a 401K.

In the lens of eternal life, Kregg has everything. And he has more than most.

He has a family that loves him unconditionally.
He has a God that sent his son to die for his sins and he is forgiven.
He has a place in heaven.
He has eternal life where there are no colleges, careers, homes, marriages, or bank accounts.

God will take Kregg home. There will be no will, no estate, no fancy casket, and no long precession of cars to follow. Those that know him and love him will be there to celebrate the time we had with him and will know that he is in the arms of his heavenly father.

Although our society may think is not what we do, how we look or what we have that makes us successful. My brother doesn’t have a framed degree, a corner office, a son going to Harvard, a BMW, a country club membership or a healthy body. But, he has all that he needs. Success is temporary, but victory is eternal. Kregg has chosen eternal victory.