Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Has New Meaning

Kregg has every reason to complain, to be frustrated, and to be angry with his life circumstances. He has every right to worry about his future and have regrets. He could ask for just about anything and anyone of us in his family would make a way for him to have what he wanted.

But…he doesn’t.

I have every reason to be grateful, to be joyful, content, and to live life each day as a precious gift.

But…I don’t.

I asked Kregg this week, how is it that you are so easygoing, laid-back, and content? Do you think it is your nature? Did you just decide one day that you would accept your circumstances no matter what? He thought for a minute and then told me that he used to worry about things and get mad, but he learned it didn’t do any good. He said he doesn’t remember an event or place in time when he made that decision. I shared with him that I recently decided that I wanted to be more like him….to be content in all circumstances. He smiled and gave me one of his Kregg smiles. 

I can only imagine that God is smiling too. Instead of being an ungrateful child of His, I have decided that I will be content in every circumstance, knowing that God is in control. I now pray earnestly asking for genuine contentment…wanting only what I have. I have learned by starting my day in prayer, thanking God for the privilege of having another day to live…for having a husband that loves me for who I am…for four wonderful, healthy, God loving children… for a successful career…a beautiful home…a fantastic circle of friends and family…and a disease free body…that Kregg is right. It doesn’t help or change anything to complain, criticize, worry, and try to control or allow other people to bother me. Contentment isn’t about having more or less nor having my way. It’s about wanting only what I have. Kregg has been an example of this to me as I watch him live day to day with his cancer.

I am grateful to have Kregg as a brother. He is my role model for being content in all circumstances. If he can do it, certainly I can too.

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18